yarnamour was founded by me, Harini. I am a crocheter and I go by the name @a_crochet_machine in Instagram. I used to be a software engineer and currently, I'm on a career break which paved way to my big dream of becoming an indie dyer.
I've always loved colours and playing with colours since I was a child. It wasn't until a few years ago that I picked up my crochet hook hoping to make a dream business out of it that I realized I wasn't really getting satisfied with the yarn colours that were available around me.
It took me a long time to try to dye (I'd like to call it painting because I literally use brushes and other tools at times and work on just one skein at a time) my own yarn but once I got started, I must tell you that I totally enjoyed it and it felt as if it was something that I was meant to do. It'd make me selfish if I wanted to keep it all to myself and so it took the form of 'yarnamour'. I hope you'd agree with me on this part and use them in your creative process to make it reach much greater heights. :)